The Chicago Organizer
The Chicago Organizer
Chicago Organizer773-401-9572Chicago OrganizerTerri Albert - Chicago Organizer
The Chicago Organizer
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The Chicago OrganizerThe Chicago Organizer
Clutter-free living. Many satisfied clients.

Cast out the Clutter with these
Home Organization Tips

This article from fellow Professional Organizers is spot on with the methods and suggestions used by my company, The Chicago Organizer. I’ll summarize it and please click link below for full article.

This is a great quote as we as Professional Organizers can see changes in your home that need to be made which is hard to do when you live in a space all the time. “Having fresh eyes on a space can totally transform someone’s life. Life is hard — why not make your home more efficient and add more joy in your life?”

In this world of overabundance/consumerism/shopping therapy, people tend to overbuy and have too many possessions for their space. Organizing helps you see and be able to easily find everything you own using creative space solutions so you don’t overbuy.

We always talk about starting with a smaller space if you try to get decluttered and organized on your own. Decide what bothers you the most and what spaces you’re using the most like your bathroom or kitchen pantry.

Containing and labeling is one of the best ways to create an ongoing system of organization. And the plastic bin or container needs to have a permanent home on a designated shelf or drawer so it can be easily found. Even if you can see through the clear bin, write with a black sharpie on a piece of light colored painter’s tape initially to write a label. You can go back and get fancier with labels. Life is busy and complicated and your brain is always working. The label makes it easy to find what you (and everyone else in your family) is looking for. I just put labels on turkey burgers and lunch meat I’ve stored in ziplocs in the freezer so I personally can make it easier on myself to find what I’m looking for quickly!

Please be sure to declutter first and then measure before buying organizing bins and baskets and drawer organizers. The benefit of using Professional Organizers is that we suggest exactly what you need so you don’t waste money on pretty items that don’t fit.

And please be realistic that it takes time to organize your entire home. It took time for the clutter and non-functioning systems to appear, so it will take time to create new systems to not only get you organized but keep you organized. It takes maintenance and regularly spending time each day to put items away, to hang up, to fold, to put away groceries, to open mail, to file — but it will be less time after the clutter is removed, the systems are in place, and you commit to carving out time to stay organized. That’s our goal and it is do-able and possible!

Article inspired by Tulsa World Lifestyles: Home and Garden

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